September 28, 2018

Hello Everyone,

I know what you’re probably thinking right off, he spelled ‘skull’ wrong. Actually if I was intending to spell ‘skull’ you would be correct. But I didn’t. It is Stull Cemetery and it resides right in the middle of the United States of America in a little place called Kansas. But even though it is physically in Kansas, you might want to check yourself if you ever visit. You might find yourself thinking you’re not in Kansas anymore.

Stull Cemetery:

The cemetery resides in Douglas County which is the county that the community of Stull is in. Settled mainly by people of German and Dutch ancestry the area was established into a community around the late 1850s. The town got its name from the only postmaster it ever had, Sylvester Stull.

Eventually a church was built for the locals and was constructed entirely of stone on the land Continue reading

September 24, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Well so far only have a few more of the haunted cemeteries to get through and they are all in the United States of America. Yet, someday here soon I want to address a few others that have been brought to my attention by my brother and other parties. This week, however, we are going to get a glimpse at St. Louis Cemetery.

St. Louis Cemetery:

The cemetery is one of the oldest located in New Orleans. That is right, St. Louis Cemetery is located in New Orleans, Louisiana. If that isn’t enough to confuse you, it is the name of three, yes 3, cemeteries in the city.

The cemetery is one of the oldest in the area and was established in the late 1700s.

Many people don’t realize how often cemeteries don’t last for as long as some of these listed. They either get moved for development. Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Wow, indeed. I have been lacking. Utmost apologies for that but perhaps as the more eerie time of year is starting to set in and everyone’s creepy level begins to climb a good blog about nightmares will redeem myself. Actually it’s not so much about the nightmares themselves but about a creature that helps cause them, known as the Mara.

Sleep Paralysis:

Most people these days are familiar with the term ‘sleep paralysis.’ This is because of modern science and studies that have shown that many people have this occur and some more than others. But back in the days before these studies this was considered to be caused by different aspects in one’s life. The Mara.

rem sleep paralysis


Mara are evil spirits that attack when the victim is asleep. They press down, or sit, on the chest of the victim and interfere within the dreams of the person. Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

As we think of birds we usually of soft colorful, sometimes noisy, little birds that charm the morning sunrise and evening sunsets. However, stories and movies have managed to bring a darker side out of birds and it is not always in awe and wonder that the stories portray them. The Stymphalian Birds are one example of that. Probably best compared to stories of Hercules and darker played down versions like Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds movie that made audiences think twice about their little chirping friend.

The Stymphalian Birds:

Since they are most known as the huge swarm of birds that they are we will look at them this way throughout the post. This is how they get their greatest powers anyways, in numbers. The Stymphalian Birds are a large swarm of birds that plagued the ancient lands of myth. They were supposedly set to one location and Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Back to the mythical creatures, at least for now, and this time it is another lesser known creature by the name of the Simurgh. Another creature of mythical legends that roams that skies and this one seems to be pretty much all good and granting wise words of wisdom.

SFA: Simurgh sketch by Unita-N


A massive bird as are most of them in legends. Said to be the size of 30 birds, which doesn’t help much for defining an actual size, but there is one thing. It can be big enough to carry off a whale or elephant. This leads me to believe it is similar in size to the Thunderbird. Both share a similar trait when the size was mentioned.

The most popular story is one of a man named Zal. An albino born to a Persian king who was abandoned by his father to die for exposure. The Simurgh raised Continue reading

April 19, 2018

Hello Everyone,

Well I know I said I was going to also focus on some other topics this month and I will. Don’t worry. But as I was looking through some information, trying to remember a few things, I stumbled upon a picture that reminded me of Greyfriars Kirkyard. As I opened the picture for a more detailed view, to my surprise it was. So here we are with some more information on a haunted cemetery.

A little about Greyfriars Kirkyard:

Okay, well first thing is, is that this cemetery is really old. It dates back with burials to the 16th century. That’s a lot of time for spirits to live in unrest if they were buried there with reasons to be in an unrest state of being.

The cemetery is located in Edinburgh, Scotland. This is a traditional style cemetery that also houses a church onsite that is, Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

To start things off I hope everyone is having a wonderful New Year and look forward to trying to better themselves not just every year but every day. Many people feel that New Year represents the start of a new life. A resurrection, or one’s ability to recondition themselves for a better outcome on life, a new start. So fitting that I chose to do this week’s blog on Resurrection Cemetery then, right?

Resurrection Cemetery:

Obviously there is a reasonable choice behind this particular cemetery and that is because it has a substantial amount of hauntings reported. The cemetery is located in Justice, Illinois. It holds over 152,000 graves and more crypts to add to that number of those buried there. It began as a place to bury the dead in 1904 and was officially opened in 1912. Although the cemetery has a lot of reason to have Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Interesting how so many of the mythical creatures can seem very much alike but share completely different origins like with the Amphisbaena. A creature that is typically a specialized dragon, or at least some type or reptilian creature with two heads. Although there is some tales of other forms of Amphisbaena we are going to focus a little more on the reptilian or snake-like version.

Amphisbaena...a dragon?


Known mostly to inhabit the Libyan deserts, the Amphisbaena was a poisonous foe of anyone who happened to cross its path. The stories seem to start with Greek mythology. A traveler speaking about mysterious beasts with venom and of course there name “amphisbaena” two ways. In this case its head.

The Amphisbaena was fast. Moving with stealth and cunning speeds it would confuse its enemy buy making you think there was only one set of eyes watching you. Once again, Pliny the Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

This week’s blog is a little different as we discuss the Basilisk & Cockatrice. Although the Basilisk is bound to slither on the Earth’s surface the Cockatrice, however, has the ability to fly.


Many of us are familiar with the Basilisk from the Harry Potter series but that particular Basilisk was much different than the more historical myth of the Basilisk. To start that one was huge. Slithered through large caverns like a serpent-like dragon. The mythical creature itself, according to Pliny the Elder, was merely a foot long.

It was, of course, a small slithering, and reptilian creature. Very much resembling a snake with a white spot on its head. But it didn’t need to strike to inflict damage. Looking at the Basilisk alone was immediate death. It could burn through grass while it slithered around. It could smash rocks apart just by being in their Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Happy Valentine’s Day, or should I say Lupercalia or bird watching day. Don’t worry, I’ll explain myself in a minute. Although Valentine’s Day has never been a very popular holiday with me it is very important to many. I happily embrace the love that people share together and am in no way against this but it has just never appealed to me as the essence of a holiday. Regardless I will keep others in mind while laying down the creepy, dark, and eerie side of this romantic holiday for those in love.

Valentine’s Day:

Many of us know the story of Valentine’s Day being named for the Saint Valentine who was martyred. Although there are several Saints with the name Valentine that this holiday is believed to be named after the one that is most commonly associated with the holiday is the one who performed the secret marriages Continue reading