Hello Everyone,


Well first off, sorry about not getting this out sooner on Monday like I usually do. Been busy. However, I do want to continue my segment about the mysterious an eerie lights that people report in different areas. This week is the Brown Mountain Lights.


Brown Mountain Lights:


The sightings occur near Brown Mountain in North Carolina. Just above the horizon is where the reports say that the Brown Mountain Lights can be seen. Early reports date back as far as 1913 but USGS employees deemed it that the lights were mistaken for something else. In most cases the trains that went through the area or even vehicles. Some even report that this is random campfires.


Yet, the Brown Mountain Lights are most often seen above the horizon. Now you may remember from the last blog post that the mirages and heat waves in Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Another month has passed us by and to finish it up I am also finishing with my last haunted place in Arizona. At least for a while. This place holds a significant connection with me and my writings, maybe you’ll figure it out later. This place has gained popularity in folklore, history and modern day treasure hunting in the West. Of course, if you haven’t already guessed it by reading the title, I am talking about the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine.

The Lost Dutchman:

To figure out the mystery behind the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine you probably have to know a little bit about the Lost Dutchman himself.

There are many tales claiming who the Lost Dutchman truly was but most people do believe he was in fact Dutch or German. The story that I feel holds the most weight is that the Lost Dutchman was a gentleman Continue reading