Hello Everyone,

I wanted to address the Halloween subject of carving pumpkins or also known as Jack-o’-lanterns. It is not often we hear the term, Jack-o’-lanterns, anymore but I guess times change.

Origin of Jack-o’-lanterns :

Well before they were Jack-o’-lanterns they were called will-o’-the-wisp. At least in the old folklore’s of England and other parts of Western Europe. This started around the mid to late 1600s. The term “Jack” just replaced “Will” but they meant virtually the same thing. One was of the torch. Will of the torch, and the other of the lantern, Jack. It was based off the lighting phenomenon that occurs but the will-o’-the ‘wisp was most commonly just a torch. I know it’s confusing but it slowly grew from a standard torch, a bundle of sticks and what not, to the surrounding vessel that contained the flame.

The carvings from the pumpkins was not original Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

The mysterious lights that we are going to discuss this week don’t have any folklore or eerie tale behind them yet I found them still eerie enough to put in here. Mainly because these lights are so prominent and spread out that it is odd to me that they still have no explanation. Still, only hypotheses that are scientific “possibilities” at best. For now, the Hessdalen Lights will remain a mystery to many, including the scientists that study the phenomena.

Hessdalen Lights:

The Hessdalen Lights spread across a valley in Norway where they get their name from, The Hessdalen Valley. In this scenario when I say spread out I mean they are spread out. They appear anywhere along a 7.5 mile stretch of the valley and just above the horizon and into the immediate sky above.

They appear in different colors as well but typically stick to a Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Interesting how so many of the mythical creatures can seem very much alike but share completely different origins like with the Amphisbaena. A creature that is typically a specialized dragon, or at least some type or reptilian creature with two heads. Although there is some tales of other forms of Amphisbaena we are going to focus a little more on the reptilian or snake-like version.

Amphisbaena...a dragon?


Known mostly to inhabit the Libyan deserts, the Amphisbaena was a poisonous foe of anyone who happened to cross its path. The stories seem to start with Greek mythology. A traveler speaking about mysterious beasts with venom and of course there name “amphisbaena” two ways. In this case its head.

The Amphisbaena was fast. Moving with stealth and cunning speeds it would confuse its enemy buy making you think there was only one set of eyes watching you. Once again, Pliny the Continue reading