Hello Everyone,

Thanks again for reading and since I know some of you enjoyed the insight into my character development I thought I would share a little more.

The Tics and Peeves:

I hope I spelled that right but what I mean by this is the finer toned parts of characters when I develop their attitude or their personalities. What makes them Tic? What are their peeves? Really all those little things are what I find interesting in character development. They are the same things that make us stand out in the real world from other people. I know many of us fit into social niches of some extent but we are still separated by those things that make us, us.

When did I Start noticing this?

When I was writing Desert Shadows there were several characters that were developed more than the others. Sometimes in my random thoughts and Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Something people have asked me about is how I came up with the characters in my writings. Many times the characters are based on something that I envisioned when trying to capture an audience’s attention to feel a particular emotion or way about a character. Sometimes this is based on segments of my life where I felt a certain way and I try to put these feelings into words for the character for the audience to later relate too. I know, it sounds confusing but that’s the way I look at it. Sometimes certain influences can be from something I saw in my life or a way a person reacts to something. I will change it to make the character different from an actual person I met, but I keep the actions on a similar basis. Sometimes this gets tricky because I try not to mirror everyday life Continue reading