Hello Everyone,

Not too long ago I was on the topic of sandstorms or Haboobs with a few blog posts but also in conversation. Given the area that I live in these are more common than that of a blizzard. Mainly because I have never seen one here. The closest I got to see a blizzard was when I was visiting the nearby mountain ranges for work several years back. It was a different and eerily experience.

What Defines a Blizzard?

The weather phenomenon can be described as a snowstorm with high winds and low visibility. Of course where I live a regular snowstorm may seem like a blizzard to me because of the lack of snow my area receives every year.

What Many People Think Of?

Most people who are not accustomed to blizzards think automatically to The Donner Party, or movies like The Shining when they think blizzard. Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Well I know most of us have heard of the movie, “30 Days of Night,” or have seen it. It is a movie that involves vampires going to a northern Alaskan town to wipe out the population that decided to stay through the month of darkness. The eerie thing is, is that there is an actual village that did disappear.

It was the Eskimo Village on Lake Angikuni, Canada. I know they are not related but the similar aspects made me think of the movie. In the movie the vampires can feast for thirty days and then leave the town without any trace of the people. They would have simply disappeared. Similar to what happened to this village in real life.

The Event:

Apparently it happened sometime in 1930 as far as most of the reports go. Although the event was allegedly debunked I still think the Continue reading