Hello Everyone,

I might have forgotten to mention that the haunted places I am currently doing all reside in Arizona. Maybe after a few more you might have guessed it for any of you who are locals. This week we are going to discuss another place that I have had the pleasure of visiting. The Yuma Territorial Prison.

A Good Location for a Prison:

Many of you familiar with the cities in Arizona, have most likely heard of Yuma. Bordering California it sits as far west as one can almost go in Arizona. Although many think of the sand dunes immediately when the think of Yuma there is other ecosystems there as well. Lush tributaries break off from the Colorado River providing good soil and water resources for farming.

Because of this water in the middle of such an arid climate the area could sustain life. And what better place Continue reading

Hello Everyone,

Well almost done. This haunted place and one more. This one I keep wanting to call “Castle of Greyskull” but I know the real name is Greystone Park Psychiatric Center. So hopefully that won’t confuse anyone, maybe I shouldn’t have put it out there like that but it was one my mind.

History of Greystone Park Psychiatric Center:

The construction started in 1871, in New Jersey, was completed in 1876. The building was originally designed to house 350 inmates but as we have seen in previous posts that’s not how it went. Greystone Park Psychiatric Center eventually housed over 7,000 inmates when it was at its peak.

The hospital itself was designed to help with the overflow of other hospitals and to relieve the overcrowding of them. The hospital was used in films and some other historical events. The hospital is no longer in operation ever since it Continue reading